The word “feeka”, the name of the fictional company, comes from the word “fika”, which in Swedish translates when you stop what you are doing to relax, have a coffee and eat some sweet, in the company of friends. We chose this name through an open and very democratic vote, which involved all members of the company. Each person was completely free to suggest a name, as well as the power to vote for one of the options.
With the name “feeka” decided, we began to translate your concept into visual language. The moment to stop, relax, chat with friends has been translated into a fun, human, joyful and strong brand.
My contribution
As the company’s CCO, I led the branding, webdesign and presentation tasks. Coordinating the department, we achieved a well-structured brand concept that conveyed the proposed culture with excellence.
Logo and color palette
We made some initial sketches and came to realize that the word “feeka” had an interesting construction characteristic. The 2 letters “e” are together, which quite dialogues with the meaning of the word (the bonds created by the “state” of fika).

Finally, we decided to “put an E to talk to another E”. In addition to this effect, joining the 2 elements, a negative space in the middle of the logo form an up arrow, pointing to the future.

In the color palette, we seek to work with various colors that would represent the different ways of thinking, the different experiences of each individual of the company. The vibrant and cheerful colors were very much connected with the culture that the meaning of the word brought to us.

Mockups and Illustrations
Following the culture of presenting in a fun, happy and relaxed way, we used several illustrations throughout the project. They served as both visual support for certain content and to break the monotony of a mass of text in the presentation.

We created an institutional website to expose the projects, as well as a blog for outsiders to follow what we think about the market and the technologies.
We created a layout for the presentations that were delivered to the four teams. With the layout, these teams were free to enter their content and request supportive illustrations.