Hello! I am Bernardo Cabral,
digital media designer

Hello! I am Bernardo Cabral,
digital media designer

Areas of interest
Interaction Design // Experience Design // Design Thinking // Web Design // Services Design // Branding // Project Management
feeka was a fictional company created within a subject of the Masters of Multimedia at FEUP. As a company, in addition to the internal work of branding strategy, marketing and social media, we had to deliver 4 projects scoped by real companies.
UX/UI Figma HTML/CSS Team ManagementIllustrator

UX/UI Figma HTML/CSS Team ManagementIllustrator

Guide It
feeka was a fictional company created within a subject of the Masters of Multimedia at FEUP. As a company, in addition to the internal work of branding strategy, marketing and social media, we had to deliver 4 projects scoped by real companies.
UX/UI Figma Illustrator

Guide It
Guide It was designed to serve the tourist public who spends a few days in one place. Thus, for the user to extract the maximum that the location can offer in a short period of time, the application generates a personalized guide according to its characteristics and interests.
UX/UI Figma Illustrator
Grim Fate
Grim Fate was a game developed during the course “Digital Games” of the Master of Multimedia, at FEUP. The game addresses a taboo theme in Western societies, which is “death”, with the aim of bringing reflections on this moment in life. We would like to send a message that death is not the antagonistic moment in life, but one of the stages on your path.
Godot Illustrator

Grim Fate
Godot Illustrator

Trama is an organization that seeks to connect people and initiatives through creative experiences built on a network.
The main mission is to awaken the perception that “together, we are stronger”, developing projects in an innovative and creative way. Through methodologies, processes and tools of Design, Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Process Facilitation, the Network promotes positive changes and connections between people.
Social Entrepreneurship CollaborationUX/UI

Trama is an organization that seeks to connect people and initiatives through creative experiences built on a network.
The main mission is to awaken the perception that “together, we are stronger”, developing projects in an innovative and creative way. Through methodologies, processes and tools of Design, Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Process Facilitation, the Network promotes positive changes and connections between people.
Social Entrepreneurship CollaborationUX/UI
Contábil Catete
Web Design Project for the accounting office Cabilte Contábil. Founded in 1959, Catete Contábil is active in the accounting services market with the mission of taking care of customers with dedication and responsibility.
UX/UI Adobe XDIllsustratorWordPress

Contábil Catete
Web Design Project for the accounting office Cabilte Contábil. Founded in 1959, Catete Contábil is active in the accounting services market with the mission of taking care of customers with dedication and responsibility.
UX/UI Adobe XDIllsustratorWordPress

Construction of the Tangima project. Tangima is a physical inteface capable of breaking the two-dimensional barrier of images.
Arduino ProcessingProduct Design

Construction of the Tangima project. Tangima is a physical inteface capable of breaking the two-dimensional barrier of images.
Arduino ProcessingProduct Design
SAU (University Academic System)
Internship in the University Academic System of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ). I participated in the visual project update of the intranet pages and administrative pages for students and teachers.

SAU (University Academic System)
Internship in the University Academic System of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ). I participated in the visual project update of the intranet pages and administrative pages for students and teachers.